Tips for Talismans Clio 4 etc
Autel im508 /
IM608 did recently 2 Renault Talismans, 2 Clio 4, Megane 4 and clio3 and want to share my method- immo status scan to read and clear dtc, then ESC, go to Control unit, immo and remote learning and key learning, only this way there is always Success.
After learning keys, (for cars like Megane 3 or master 3 with uch) go to UCH reset, once menu shows click cancel. It goes out of learning mode and all works good. If I try to learn key straight from immo status scan I always get error – no connection to ECU after making dealer key. And of course always additional power by wires from my car.
In some models where is uch like Megane 3, master 3, after learning key, none of the keys work – car does not recognize them, so I go to menu UCH reset just to view this menu and then I hit cancel – as I do not want to reset UCH. But this step somehow quits car from learning procedure and both, original and new keys work. Dealer key I meant preparing blank key. After this step it goes to remove key and learning. But it fails to communicate with ECU. If I go then via learning remote, key, via Control unit all is good.
Tips for Megane IV/Kadjar 2015+
Be very careful when doing add key on Kadjar and check that you can use emergency start before reading flash data, as unlike the Megane the Kadjar wipes the keys when you read the data and you start from fresh whereas if the process fails on the megane the original key still works!
Sometimes, when you read the flash data it can Wipe the VIN from the UCH leaving the data you’re reading incomplete, so when it comes to calculate password it fails and you’re left with 0 keys in the system, luckily it was for renault dealer and Master tech plugged in and re wrote VIN to UCH and all was well, at that time there was no option for this on im608 but since related update it has appeared, I’ve done about 10+ since then and had no issues so cannot confirm whether it works or not but can’t see why it wouldn’t. You’d just restart the whole process and re-read the flash data.
But other than that it’s all pretty straight forward, takes about 15 minutes all in.
Check: Autel IM608 Renault Megane IV/Kadjar 2015+ Emergency Won’t Start Solution
Good luck!
Here are some user feedbacks:
Used common battery charger 13.6V and hotspot
Read dflash
Calculate isk
Make dealer card
Programmed card holding it next to start button

Renault Captur 2017 smart card
Read DFlash, Read PFlash, Read PIN – OK
Add a card – OK
The process took around 30min.
Just did Renault trafic 2017 with 4A chip key today.
Just remember to use external power supply.
Takes 20-30 minutes.
Autel IM508 just bricked 2018 Renault Scenic. Read dflash OK, PIN verification failed. Learn card failed.
I suppose UCH is blank now
EDIT: Car sorted with Autel support help.
Main reason: Main app issue that hangs after dflash reading
Solution: learn UCH, read dflash again, retrieve PIN, Make dealer key, install beta update, learn cards
I made a capture of 2019 5 min work.
Renault Espace 2015
d-flash read ok
isk calculating ok
making dealer key ok (according the autel)
Renault Kadjar 2017 HITAG AES Add key, successfully Battery support Wired connection jbox Good internet
Related reading:
Autel, Xtool or OBDSTAR for Renault smart card
Autel IM508 XP400 Add Renault Clio IV 2018 Key via OBD