How to Virgin Mercedes VGS4 NAG2 Gearbox by Launch X431 ECU Programmer?

Launch X431 released new ECU/TCU cloning software V10.40 on Jan 13th, 2025.

Support Products: Launch X-431 ECU TCU programmerX-prog3 and PC adapter, Launch X431 Smartlink scanner (Pro5/PAD V/PAD VII) with X-prog3


1. Added read and write, personalization, clearing function for BOOT mode Benz transmission TCU VGS4-0-NAG2, VGS4-500-NAG2. (1st Release!!!)
2. Added BENCH mode Cadillac, Chevrolet transmission ECU T87A read and write function.
3. Added read and write function for BENCH mode Great Wall transmission ECU 7DCT450.
4. Added read and write function for BENCH mode Great Wall, Geely engine ECU MG1US008/MG1UA008.
5. Optimized BMW E83 data read issue.
6. Optimize the expired device usage status so that when the device is expired, the functions released before the expiration can still be used. New updates are restricted to download when the free subscription has expired


Here we show how to virgin Benz VGS4 NAG2 TCU with Launch ecu programmer.
Function Description: reset/virgin 4th generation 7-speed Mercedes Benz gearbox, after erase TCU, you can program and adapt TCU to vehicle with MB Star for replacement.


Operating instructions:
The original car computer can still read data normally. Replace the second-hand gearbox computer for virgin and authorization.

1.    First, enter the ECU model to enter

Now supports VGS4-0-NAG2 and VGS4-500-NAG2 gearbox types.
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2.    Check wiring diagram
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3.    Follow the prompts and click OK
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4.    There are two wiring methods for the wiring diagram: BENCH/BOOT. The BENCH mode is used to read data from the original car’s gearbox computer. When performing wiping and personalized functions on an external second-hand gearbox computer, both BENCH and BOOT modes need to be connected together.
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5.    After connecting the wires, click to read TCU information

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6.    After successful information reading, click to read EEPROM data (BENCH)
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Click to read EEPROM data (BENCH), if BENCH mode cannot read, select (BOOT) mode
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7.    After the original vehicle ECU computer data is read, connect the external ECU computer (both BENCH mode and BOOT mode need to be connected at the same time), and then click on erase

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7.    After the original vehicle ECU computer data is read, connect the external ECU computer (both BENCH mode and BOOT mode need to be connected at the same time), and then click on erase

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8.    Click on Personalization and select Original Car EEPROM Data Write
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9.    Click OK after successful personalization
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10.    After personalization, click to read the TCU information to see if the ECU has been successfully erased, and then install the vehicle for programming and coding
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