Orange5 Read and Write Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD

Reading and writing Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD is possible in two ways with Orange5 programmer via SPI and UART.


Model example:

Volvo XC70 diesel CEM p3


Did it with orange5 programmer. The processor is Renesas R5F64524KFD.


1. We remove and disassemble the CEM.

Orange5 Read Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD 1

2. Here are R5F64524KFD SPI and UART pinouts to orange 5

Orange5 Read Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD 2

Here we chose SPI (no need to lift the 19th leg).

Orange5 Read Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD 4
3. Select the processor and reading method

4. Solder according to the diagram above

Orange5 Read Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD 5

5. Then read, edit the dump and write it back.

For example, if need to activate the webasto control with standard key.

This function is located at the addresses in the photo below (on the left is the original, on the right is the corrected one).

Orange5 Read Volvo CEM R5F64524KFD 6


Read also:

How to Clone Volvo CEM R5F64525 with Orange5?