What Diagnostic Tool to Set up An Auto Electrical Mobile Business?

To set up your own auto electrical mobile business and you are hoping someone could point you what diagnostic tool and software options. I like the idea of having some good software on my laptop that enables me to do a lot of things. Read this article, someone would like to share their options and experience.


  1. When working for other companies I used the *Launch AUSCAN (X431) LV & HD *G-scan 3 *Snapon a little and a couple of others.


  1. These are some of the scanners I can get locally that I have considered *Autel MS919 with scope *Launch *Fcar (does heavy machinery as well) – these are ok but can be expensive.


  1. Forget a tool with a built in scope. Buy yourself an automotive 4 channel picoscope kit. Nothing else comes close to a picoscope for automotive diagnosis.


  1. Personally I’ve never needed to use a scope, as for diagnostics…. Many/Most of the OEM software is now supporting Passthru interfaces. A very good generic scan tool would be the Autel IM508, Passthru cables are easily available either via China (Clone-most) or CanTieCar. GM MDI etc. I’m also a mobile sparky in NZ, Have 20+ scan tools, Many EEP/ flash programmers, Kess,K-TAg etc , key programming tools, key cloning stuff
    Really depends on your budget, start with a couple of tools, then add as you need.


Most of the software is available on forum for free, some for a small fee. As for Passthru cables , I was mainly using CanTieCar V4, now I use VAS5054a clone, MVCI Clone, GM MDI etc. If you are looking into commercial stuff like Insite etc, I would go genuine adapter.



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