Toyota Yaris 2012 Scanner: Launch x431 Pros mini vs Autel DS808

Hi guys, I have both Launch x431 pros mini and Autel ds808 diagnostic scanner to run, and I use them to do the same test on one Toyota Yaris 2012 including diagnostic report, special functions, live data etc. Finally I express my option on their advantages and disadvantages.


Car model and year: Toyota Yaris HV 2012


Toyota diagnostic scanner to test and compare:

Launch x431 pros mini

Autel maxidas ds808                 

Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 01

Part 1: Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 with Launch x431 pros mini

Launch Pros Mini: what’s in the box?

Various adapter: Toyota 17, Toyota 22, Chrysler 6, GM 12, Honda 3, BMW 20, Benz 38, power cable, extension lead to going to my OBD2 port for putting the Bluetooth dongle into that could be handy, but I tend to just chuck them in. For the main unit , I love the whist. The package is very well protected.

Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 02

Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 02

Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 04

Boot speed:

Autel ds808 boot up was actually quicker.

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Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 06

Star to diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 with Launch x431 pros mini

  1. Follow the on-screen instruction to choose area, car model, functions.

Traditional diagnose -> Asian -> Toyota -> submit -> 16pin DLC -> Automatically search -> Yaris HV -> 2015.05- 2017.03 -> w /smart key -> Healthy report

Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 07

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Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 12

This scanner will take a longer time for the tire pressure monitor.

We will see what the Autel DS808 tell us aft wards. I thinks the tire pressure monitor ECU is quite slow on these Toyota’s, it’s finally done it.

That’s taking me 3 minutes and 20 seconds from selecting the car.


  1. Have vehicle diagnostic report then tap “save” them.

The scanner gives me all my car details.

Launch X431 Pros Mini Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 13


  1. Launch x431 pros mini does hot functions

Launch hide most of their hot functions in a different menu.

Compared with Autel DS808, this one is sure to choose a car.

To select traditional diagnose -> Asian -> Toyota -> submit ->history -> Toyota Yaris HV -> Control units -> All systems- > Main body -> Special function -> Initialization -> welcome to the Gateway Initialization utility.

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Back to select “Hybrid control” -> special function -> Initialization-> welcome to the battery current sensor initialization utility.

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Back to select “Engine and ECT” > oil reset->with intelligent key -> just follow the 1,2,3,4 tips to do.

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Back to “All readiness”, just tap “Ok” to follow the on-screen message to do.

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Back to “ABS/VSC/TRC” -> Special functions -> Air bleeding

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Back to “All systems” -> “Tire Pressure Monitor” -> Special function -> ID registration -> Welcome the Tire ID registration wizard. This function will register tire IDs for the tire pressure warning system.

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  1. Live data on the Launch

Choose Toyota V49.22 -> History ->All systems -> Engine and ECT, then tick off : Engine oil temperature, coolant temp, long FT B1S1, short FT B1S1, then tap “ok”, and you can select “Graph”, the graph is really surprising quick, you can also tap “combine” there is a legend that tells you what color is doing what. Or you can back to the values.

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Part 2: Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 with Autel ds808

  1. Do the same test as Launch x431 pros mini does.

Tap “Diagnostics” -> Toyota -> Automatically select -> Read VIN – Europe / others -> 05 /2015 -03/2017- > with smart key -> confirm vehicle profile -> Establishing vehicle communication (this seems to be taking a little bit longer) -> Diagnosis -> Auto scan.

And this flew through the tire pressure monitor rare, well the Launch was slow on the tire pressure monitor. This was a little bit slower getting into the system.

Again we got 14 computers.

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 01

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 02

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 03

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Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 05

Tap “Report” and have the report, same as Launch.

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 06

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 07


  1. Back to “Hot Functions”.

Let’s see what the Autel does in comparison to the Launch.

But before start this, in the bag of goodies that came with the Launch, this extensional cable that you can put into the OBD2 port socket. I’m running two scanner I am not going to mean is I’m not going to keep diving down to plug one module in one module out, I can do my connection here, so I’m using the Launch extensional cable.


Next is to test the hot functions.

Not supported list:

oil reset



Window, door alignment


Supported list:

Tire pressure monitor: works

Brake bleed: works

immo & keys: works

Steering : works

Throttle body : works

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 08

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 09

  1. Live data on the Autel ds808

Diagnostic -> Control units -> Engine and ECT -> Live data, pick: Engine oil temperature, coolant temp, long FT B1S1, short FT B1S1, then tap “show”.

Graph is a little different. Let’s start the engine to show the fuel trims and there you go.

Let’s give the car some more heat so the engine I’ll carry on running without me put for the throttle and they’ll drop, the refresh rates are very quick on both Launch X431 pros mini and Autel ds808. I think the graph function of the Launch is better than on the Autel.

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Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 13

Autel Ds808 Diagnose Toyota Yaris 2012 14

Part 3: What’s the advantages and disadvantages of Launch X431 pros mini and Autel ds808?

Pros and cons:

I am very happy with Launch and very happy with Autel as well. They’ve both got disadvantages and advantages. Both are very capable scanners.


  1. Launch big advantage:

1). it’s possible you don’t have to be sit in the car with the Bluetooth dongle.

Autel you have to sit in the car unless you’ve got an extension cable.


2) The screen are comparable in size, wins the portability. it’s portable you can be out of the car while you’re doing things. Particularly if you do in their actuation test and you want to be under the car or under the body whilst you doing it. It’s not so easy to do it with the Autel.


3) The quality of the screen is very good. I would say the touch screen capability on the Launch is better than the Autel.

The autel responds better to a pen or a pointer.

The launch is good with your finger.

