This is the tutorial on Motorola MC68HC05 family read and write by using Xprog-m box ecu programmer, including xprog pcb layout, pin connection and reading & writing instruction.
Part 1 – Xprog-m programmer PCB layout
Part 2 – Xprog and MC68HC05 wiring connection
Note: Some circuit connections can disturb proper XPROG M operation.
In this case you must disconnect corresponding MCU pin rom circuit.
Warnig: XPROG programmer Vpp and VppR pins have hi voltage who can damage
circuit. If you are not sure that you can’t damage circuit ,you must
disconnect this MCU pin from circuit.
Mask sets: 0F82B, 0G72G
Oscillator: 3, 4 pin
Packages: SOIC28, SDIP28
EEPROM: 0x0100 – 0x019F
MC68HC05B6/B8/B16/B32 (PLCC52)
Mask sets:
Oscillator: 16, 17 pin
EEPROM: 0x0101 – 0x01FF
Packages: PLCC52
CFG(EEPROM): 0x0100
MC68HC05B6/B8/B16/B32 (QFP64)
Mask sets:
Oscillator: 28, 29 pin
EEPROM: 0x0101 – 0x01FF
Packages: QFP64
CFG(EEPROM): 0x0100
Part 3- Xprog v5.50 read, write, verify MOTOROLA MC68HC05B16 SECURED
In Xprog software
Select type: MCU/MPU, subtype: MOTOROLA HC05, device: MC68HC05B6/B8/B16/B32
Click on New, then Read
Write the MCU, then click on Write
Then Verify
Verified. Xprog write MC68HC05B16 success.
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