How to Auto Connect to MB SD Connect C4 over Wi-Fi?

Thanks to @ W211 who write up the operation guide on how to setup Wi-Fi/ LAN for MB Sd conenct C4 Xentry for newbie, it will comes with batch files to auto connect to c4 over Wi-Fi!


Start with LAN setup:
1. Open properties to ethernet/LAN card
2. Enter IP subnetmask: if no communication when doing diagnostic with xentry/DAS try subnetmask:
One of those IP’s would get you connected to c4! No more needed!

Read the note from engineer:

Both MB Sd conenct C4 and MB SD C4 Plus DoIP hardware share the same LAN setup method.

Wi-Fi Setup:
1. Open properties to Wi-Fi adapter and change IP to or
Again, One of these IP’s will work when you start diagnostic with Xentry/DAS

Create Adhoc Connection Road24h!
On win 10 Use old Wi-Fi driver to activate adhoc connection. Best Drivers are from 2015! (Change driver in device manager, pick old driver manual stock from win. You do not need to download any driver!)

1. Open Network and Sharing center and click “Set up a new connection or network”
2. Select “Manually connect to a wireless network”
3. Enter Information for the network you want to add:
– Network name: Road24h
– Security type: WEP
– Security Key: 26xa “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
– Untick/Unselect “Start this connection automatically”

To start c4 Wi-Fi connection I made a simple batch file, it will assign new IP to your Wi-Fi card and connect to Road24h adhoc wich is created!
Also included to revert IP back to automatic so you can use internet!

if The stock IP in c4wifi.bat is not right you can right click the .bat file and edit to new IP which works for your C4!
Its only one click rather than go back and forth to change IPs. Also your WiFi card name you can edit in the file to match your wifi card name.

Its important you have made/created the adhoc connection Road24h in above settings before running .bat file! And RUN AS ADMIN!!


Read the note from engineer:

The above Wifi settings procedure is applied to MB Sdconenct C4; for the C4 Plus DoIP, the Wifi is not needed to setup, please directly input 123456789, and that will be okay.


Mega free download C4 Connection batch files to auto connect to c4 over Wi-Fi:


Here are 2 users’ test reports:

– This is very helpfull!! No more searching and changing settings IP by hand.

– Run batch files with administrator rights on my Windows 10 and works fine. Name of wifi connection must be the same in batch and in network section in control panel.

