Car model and year: 2010 bmw f10 cas4 15ly1, car has keyless entry.
Symptom: I lost my all key but before lost the key, I get dump file of one working key by fvdi 2014 key interface.
I want to do: write this dump file of working key to blank key. Does the keyless entry car work again with aftermarket key. as I know only two key works for keyless entry so do I need delete or remove this lost 2 keys from cas before make new keyless entry key.
Tools and experience:
- CG-PRO programmer:
Cheapest tool will be CG-PRO. For like $300 it can read the dump from the CAS4 and make a key. Since your car is almost certainly the normal CAS4 and not the encrypted CAS4+, you shouldn’t need ISN.
Also that whole comfort access only working with 2 keys only applies to E-series. F10 can have many working keys, all with comfort access.
Related article: CG Pro Program BMW 525Li CAS4+ 5M48H Key (No Need Other Device)
CGDI BMW makes CAS4 key 100%. It costs twice as much as cg-pro.
If you don’t need to get the ISN code, one Yanhua mini acdp plus one module 1 are enough.
Please refer to Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW CAS4+ All keys lost no soldering:
***For CAS4+, it needs ISN code and need one extra module 3 ($199), with it acdp can read ISN code without soldering)
- R270 key programmer: $44.99
@yuko review: R270 read 1L15Y without problem tested many times
@rs@chip review: If your cas is early one with 1L15Y than you are good to go already.. read with your r270 it works perfect on this mcu must use F01/F07 under menu for pinout.. than load your dump to key programmer chose location and write of course its better to use more professional tools but can be done like this also so you no need to spend extra money for one yob
@rus-bmw review: Read cas eeprom with r270 and I can learn new key to your car with remote access. No need any key programmer, only r270, enet cable and blank key.
Xprog is an another cheap option (less than $100) to read CAS4 1515Y/5M48H dump.
- Hextag ($495 )+ one extra key programmer:
Most tools require removing a few soldered components to read CAS4. You need to have decent soldering skills to avoid damage.
Hextag can read without removing components, but does not make keys.
Google and you will see some youtube videos.