How to install OPCOM VAUX-COM software driver on Windows 10

This explains how to step by step install OPCOM diagnostic interface VAUX-COM 120309a software driver on Windows 10, especially for those troubled with “OP-COM usb is not detected on Windows 10”.



Allow this app to make changes to your device

opcom-windows-10 (1)

Go to Settings in VAUX-COM 120309a

opcom-windows-10 (2)

Test interface

opcom-windows-10 (3)

Connect the interface to the USB port, or install the USB driver

opcom-windows-10 (4)

Close VAUX-COM 120309a


Opcom Computer management

Launch the troubleshooter

opcom-windows-10 (5)

Again, open Computer management

Uninstall USB Serial Converter

opcom-windows-10 (6)

Disconnect the internet

Update driver- OP-COM USB V2

opcom-windows-10 (7)

Browse my computer for driver software

opcom-windows-10 (8)

opcom-windows-10 (9)

opcom-windows-10 (10)

opcom-windows-10 (11)

opcom-windows-10 (12)

opcom-windows-10 (13)

opcom-windows-10 (14)

opcom-windows-10 (15)

Continue installing this driver

opcom-windows-10 (16)

opcom-windows-10 (17)

opcom-windows-10 (18)

Again, run VAUXCOM.exe as administrator

Allow this app to make changes to your device

Go to Settings

Then Test interface

Firmware version tested successfully

opcom-windows-10 (19)

Apply settings

opcom-windows-10 (20)

Go to Diagnostics

opcom-windows-10 (21)

opcom-windows-10 (22)

opcom-windows-10 (23)

Successfully install Opcom on Windows 10!!