How to install Toyota OTC GTS IT3 Global TechStream

This is the instruction on how to install Toyota GTS Global TechStream 10.10.018 diagnostic software for OTC unit (also called Toyota IT3).


PC requirement:

Operating system (OS): Windows XP/ VISTA/Win7

CPU: Intel Pentium M1.2GHZ or higher

Memory: 1GB or more

Disk space: at least 256MB

Display resolution: 1024*768 (recommended) 1024*600 (lowest)

USB: at least one USB 2.0


Steps to install OTC GTS 10.10.018:

Step 1 – install “Teachstream_Setup”

OTC-GTS-10.10.018 (1)

Step 2 – install “OTC_VIM_Updater”

OTC-GTS-10.10.018 (2)

Step 3 – run “techstream” on Desktop

OTC-GTS-10.10.018 (3)

OTC-GTS-10.10.018 (4)

Step 4 – send software ID and area information to customer service.

OTC-GTS-10.10.018 (5)

Step 5 – Key will be got to activate GTS for programming on diagnosis on TOYOTA or LEXUS after the 2012 year.


2016 New Toyota OTC GTS IT3 functions highlights:

Update online;

Vehicle identification;

Data keeper;

DTC code;

Monitored state;

Health report;


Logging system;