How to install JLR mangoose SDD V145 offline on Win7


Jaguar and Land rover diagnostic software SDD new version V145 has been released in  V145 JLR SDD software installation is slightly different from previous version V143,V141 etc.   Software version: V145 Operating system: Windows 7 32-bit Compatible device: JLR Mangoose… Continue Reading

How to enable Coding Programming in BMW ICOM ISTA-D


Here is the customer solution to enable coding or programming in BMW ICOM A2 software ISTA/D.   I add the following to: C:\Program Files (x86)\BMW\ISPI\TRIC\ISTA\TesterGUI\bin\Release\ISTAGUI.exe.config <!– Enable Programming –> <add key=”BMW.Rheingold.Programming.Enabled” value=”true” /> <add key=”BMW.Rheingold.Programming.ExpertMode” value=”false” /> <add key=”BMW.Rheingold.Programming.CoapiBase.UseAIF” value=”true”… Continue Reading