Review: EL-50448 resets TMPS Chevrolet Traverse LTZ 2012


Today, I’ll chip in words of experience of EL-50448 TPMS reset on my Traverse LTZ 2012.   TPMS Reset Tool: EL-50448 from   Car: 2012 Chevrolet Traverse LTZ   TPMS: (this part for newbies only; skip this part if… Continue Reading

Retrofit Porsche 991.2 MF steering wheel to 2012.5 991S


An electronic engineering from Connecticut, U.S.A has tested the Porsche MF multi-function Steering Wheel Master Adapter and report the result here: “ Porsche 991.2 multi-function steering wheel  retrofit – success! First off, I know there are a few threads about swapping steering wheels. Mostly non… Continue Reading