How to Fix Damaged Porsche BCM 2014?


2014 Porsche Cayenne all keys lost, take the bcm out but saw someone already tried read it and cut the board, tried to read it with yanhua acdp, vvdi prog, autel xp400 pro, hexprog but nothing.

He probably tried to read it with vvdi prog or autel and cut the board, autohex and acdp not required to cut,
We tried to fix it or read it with all and nothing read it.

Vvdi Prog 2014 Porsche Bcm Damage 1

It’s the ceramic one, the guy before cut it and damaged the point to solder to, we tried to solder there and the pin instead but still nothing

Vvdi Prog 2014 Porsche Bcm Damage 2

Unable to see the damage through the flux and with the crystal sitting there, remove the crystal from the board and clean all the area with alcohol so the damage is visible. There would be a short if too much solder gets under the crystal too.
We usually use thin copper wire to fix traces, bad coils are perfect source for it, do not even need to buy any.

Make sure you have the MCU Pin 94 short (0 Ohm) to the test point as pictured, if it is not – you will have no clock input and it will not boot. Need to solder thin wire between the two. Also remove excessive solder and clean out the flux.


Fix Bcm


Read also:

Autel VVDI Xtool or ACDP to Read Porsche BCM 5M48H 2M25J