Activate M Mode/A Mode Mercedes 7G 722.9 722.6 Gearbox with Vediamo

This is a contribition on how to enable/activate the automatic transmission Agility (A) and Manual (M) Modes on Mercedes W211, W212, W204, W207 X204 7G Gearbox 722.9xx and 722.6xx series using Vediamo


The fact is that the control unit has modes:
C – Comfort
S – Sport
M – Manual (deactivated)
A – Agility (deactivated)

The (M) Manual mode is used if the steering wheel has paddles. But (A) Agility is apparently a mode that they did not use on bananas. This is essentially Agility Lite without half the features. But the mode is interesting. Many activate it and notice the interesting work of the box. In general, what we need:
1) Cable (Tactrix Openport 2.0, VXDIAG VCX SE or an MB SD C4 DoIP)
2) Vediamo

*How to configure Vediamo with Openport? 



– Connect the equipment
– Run Vediamo (in the settings we set to display data in HEX)

Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722.9 722.6 Activation 1

Vediamo Options
Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722.9 722.6 Activation 2
ECOUTE options – Format of the Variant Coding String – Hexadezimal(Hexadecimal)

– Load the box file: VGSNAG2.CBF (For 7G)
– Load the box file: EGS52.CBF (For 5G)
– Load the box file: EGS53.CBF (For 5G rest)
– Connect to the module
– Go to encoding (Coding->Variant coding)

– Select in the drop-down list “VCD_SCN_Variantencodierung_VGS_73”

Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722.9 Activation 3

Parts pictured: C1001B , 030200

EGS52 / EGS53
– Select “SCN_Codierung_PKW” in the drop-down list

Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722 9 Activation 4

Spare parts on the photo: 01010100 , 0000000002, 3200001

– Click the button below “Manual Coding”

Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722 9 Activation 5

Spare parts on the photo: 030200 , 1803C6 , 313029 , 2212019

– We see a string with a length of 42 bytes, we are interested in bytes:

count from 1 as in Vediamo
[Byte 27] for option 0401
[Byte 30] for option 0403
Bit 4: Mode “A”
Bit 5: Mode “M”
Bit 6: Mode “S”
Bit 7: Mode “C”

[Byte 29]
Bit 5: Paddles

EGS52 Byte
count from 1 as in Vediamo
[Byte 29]
Bit 5: Paddles

[Byte 30]
Bit 2: Mode “CS”
Bit 3: Mode “M”
Bit 4: Mode “A”

EGS53 Byte
count from 1 as in Vediamo

[Byte 28]
Bit 2: Mode “CS”
Bit 3: Mode “M”
Bit 4: Mode “A”

Now we need to calculate the checksum. These are the last two bytes in line 41 and 42. Type: CRC16. We take and copy all bytes from number 01 to 40 inclusive, we take WinHex or an online calculator on the Internet there are a lot of them. Enter a string and read the CRC. For example, if it is 0x2211 then byte 41 will be 0x11 and byte 42 will be 0x22.
In order not to make a mistake with the algorithm, first take the line in the original and calculate CRC16, it must match the one in bytes 41-42. If everything is OK, then you can safely change the byte and recalculate the CRC.
– Click ECU-Coding. The data will be recorded in the automatic transmission. If everything is OK, then it will write in the log that everything was successful.

Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722 9 Activation 6

Parts pictured: 030200, F10018 , C1001B

– We exit the coding and on the left select “Function -> FN_ECU_Reset” in order to reload the block with new parameters. We turn off the connection.

Vediamo Automatic Transmission 722 9 Activation 7

Parts in the photo: 030200

– Turn off the ignition, turn it on and watch the new modes.

PS As they say in such cases, if you are going to repeat, then you do all this at your own peril and risk. We are not responsible for the consequences caused by any actions. Be careful when changing bytes. They say that extra spaces between them can turn a box into a brick!

Credit to Mr. klenov.