The iProg pro clone programmer new software V85 has been tested and verified working by engineer. Here we provides iprog v85 software free download resource and installation guide.
V85 Iprog+ Pro Software Free Download
Language: English, Russian
Operating system: WinXP, Win7, Win8
Functions: airbag, dashboard, car radio, ecu, eeprom, immo, mcu and special functions
How to Install iprog pro v85 driver and software on windows 7?
Copy and extract iprog V85 software folder to Disk C
Go to Device Manager, right click iProg universal programmer and press Update Driver Software
Select browse my computer for driver software
Select correct driver (32bit or 64bit) from iprog driver folder in C://
C:/IProg V85/IPROG Driver/iprog_win2k-win7_x86-x64_version2
If system give Windows security message, select Install this drive software anywauy
Installing driver software
Windows has sucessfully update irpog software driver
Make sure iprog COM Port was set to COM4
Send iProgProV85 shortcut from C:/IProg V85/iProg+ V85 folder to desktop
Then open iProgProV85 software on desktop
Sofwtare is ready to use.
Select EEPROM, Airbag, dash function to test