How to Repair BMW Mini FRM3 with Orange5 Programmer?

Question 1: can someone help with a guide on how to restore frm3 module in bmw e91. I have a Orange5.

Question 2: I have a FRM3R E70 AHL S:6135 light model and I want to repair.  I have Orange 5 programmer. But I don’t know how to read and restore eeprom from Dflash. Can anyone explain?

Question 3:  I have a corrupted frm 3 and want to read the data from the frm so I can do a recovery flash. Can anyone help with the connections of FRM 3 to orange 5 programmer.

Question 4:  I have connected Orange 5 with 9S12XEQ384 EEE but when I read D-Flash and P-Flash there is nothing, only in eeprom is something. How to repair light module?



Solution to these questions:

All steps for FRM3 ( (BMW Footwell Module)) with Orange5 to read – erase – set new partition and program it with new eeprom file and P-Flash.

Original Orange5 100% works. OEM Orange5 (the clone) is untested.



Credit to cartechnology UK Donators. You can find PDF tutorial on the form as well.  You are at your risk.


BMW FRM3 Repair with Orange5

(9S12XEQ384 MASK 3M25J Flash/Eeprom)

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 1

Open your FRM3 and connect Orange5 Programmer

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 2


BMW FRM3 connection for orange 5 programmer

(click to enlarge images below)

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 3

Select the correct Processor in MTRK – 9S12XEQ384

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 4

Press Read ID – if connection is OK Orange show you ID and Mask

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 5

Now click Query EEE to check if Partition is damaged

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 6

First select P-Flash and click READ button and save P-Flash (!!IMPORTANT!!) to have backup
Next select D-Flash and read it (this file we need to generate Eeprom File)
Now open DFLASH to EEPROM Tool – load Dflash and generate a new Eeprom file


After we have a Backup of D-Flash and P-Flash we must erase the processor – Orange 5 will erase the full
Click Erase button and select Erase → do not Unsecure!!!!

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 7

After the Processor is erased we have to set new Partition for Eeprom/D-Flash area.
There are two parameters that control how the
software configures the memory: DFPART and ERPART.
DFPART = Number of D-Flash sectors reserved as User D-flash (128 total)
ERPART = Number of pages reserved for EEE (16 total)
The two parameters are required to meet two size conditions to be valid:
1. (128-DFPART) / ERPART >= 8
2. (128-DFPART) >= 12 if ERPART==1
“80 00” – Enables 128 sectors (32 KB) of D-Flash and 0 pages of EEE
“20 0C” – Enables 32 sectors (8 KB) of D-Flash and 12 pages (3 KB) of EEE
“10 0C” – Enables 16 sectors (4 KB) of D-Flash and 12 pages (3 KB) of EEE
“00 10” – Enables 0 sectors of D-Flash and 16 pages (4 KB) of EEE
Set FullPart and to DFPART 00 00 and ERPART 00 10 and click OK

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 8

After we made this we can check if partition is ok by clicking Querry EEE
now it should look like in the next picture

Orange5 Repair Bmw Frm3 9

If partition is OK we can write new files
Select P-Flash in Orange and load your backup file to the processor
If write is done click compare button to check if write is ok
Select EEE in Orange and load your generated Eeprom file
Click write button and after write is ok click compare to check written file



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