PCM Read and Write Audi VL300 TCU in Boot

PCM read, write and clone Audi a4 transmission TCU VL300 successfully.

Using Module 58 bsl mode.

Pcm tuner is ok on these, but tcu ONLY has boot mode for cloning.


Module 58 VL300 01J boot pinout

Always drill hole big enough to make sure you can connect resistor. Otherwise will fail to read eeprom and flash.

Pcmtuner Audi A4 Vl300 Tcu 4

Pcmtuner Audi A4 Vl300 Tcu 5

Pcmtuner Audi A4 Vl300 Tcu 6

pcmtuner read, write and clone without problem

Pcmtuner Audi A4 Vl300 Tcu 1

Pcmtuner Audi A4 Vl300 Tcu 2

Pcmtuner Audi A4 Vl300 Tcu 3