Free Download Carprog V8.21 V9.31 V10.05 V10.93 provides different versions of carprog software including V8.21 v9.31 v10.05 and v10.93 download free.



Free Download Carprog V8.21 

Resource 1: online version, need activation with keygen

needs activation but you will automatically get token renew after it used up.

You can also activate thru keygen by yourself.

8.21 can only be used with carprog version 8.21 with firmware (perfect online version clone)

Carprog Pcb 1 Carprog Pcb 2

Operation system: WinXP, Win7, Win8 and Win10

If don’t have keygen, follow instrution below to send the hardware ID to get the activation code

How to install and activate Carprog V8.21 on Win7

Resource 2:  No activation needed

Carprog 8.21 01 zip.

Carprog 8.21 02 zip

Carprog 8.21 03 zip

Carprog 8.21 04 zip

CarProg 8.21 included with lib, exe, firmware with no activation needed. Extract 4 zip and then open zip file and extract.

Adding Carprog Antenna Fix:

CarProg Board

1. replaced 150k with 15k (resistor)
2+3+4 here we need to solder a capacitor with approximately 6-7 nF(put one or combine from 2-3 capacitors)
5. removed 100 nF capacitor
6. removed 100 pF capacitor
in position 2 it was a 2.8nF capacitor
in pos 3 it was 0.5 nF cap
in pos 4 it was 100 nF cap

after done flashing you would have to replace HC125 to HC125M as marked in step 4..Other wise it will never actually write to anything.



Free Download Carprog V9.31


Free Download Carprog V10.05


Free Download Carprog V10.93


What are the differences among each carprog versions?

Carprog full v7.28 vs. Carprog v8.21 vs. Carprog v9.31


Carprog full V8.21 vs V10.93

1. Carprog 8.21 is online version with all software activated. carprog V10.93 is offline version, no network connection, only some software activated, many functions don’t work properly.

2. car prog v8.21  included much more authorization, all function can be activated by keygen/activator




Read also:

How to repair Carprog A1 adapter for CAN BUS communication