Problem: I have problem with working on iprog+ pro clone on Windows 10.
I need wait a lot of seconds between toggle scripts (sometimes I need wait a minute to work with next script or wait for opening program – it looks like sometimes programmer is not found or system looks for it, but it is not disconnected in windows system). On Windows 7 it works correctly. Where is problem?
I have turned off Firewall and Windows Defender, but it not resolve my problem.
I have check two times that real time protection is disabled by DefenderControl program. I have disabled also in regedit:
(Windows Defender Security Center Service)
(Security Center service)
2 = Enable
4 = Disable
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
Modify = 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection
Modify = 1
It helps me!
So, iprog+ Pro Win10 is ok.
iprog+ Pro win7 is definitely ok too.
Video on how to install iProg+ Pro V85 software on Windows 7:
Enjoy iprog+ Pro Programmer on win10 win7.
Refer to Iprog Clone test reports: