Lonsdor K518ISE released Toyota 8A smart key unlock function in April 16, 2020.
Supports Toyota 8A (39,88,A8, A8,AA,F3) original (OEM) smart key types unlock currently. (The new Toyota smart keys from 2014 and up with H chip)
Make sure the key is fully charged.
How to Unlock Toyota 8A smart key with Lonsdor K518?
Identify key status
Select Special Functions->Identify/copy chip-> Identify/copy
Put chip to be identified into K518 host slot
Identify chip type 8A. Key has been programmed.
Insert 8A smart key into K518 host slot.
Select Special Function->Unlock Key->Unlock Toyota smart key-> Unlock Toyota smart key (8A)
Unlock success.
Customer feedback on unlocking of toyota smart key function on lonsdor k518ise:
Yes it works, I did one for 2020 prius yesterday and for 2018 Subaru today. Works great.
Update your machine, they just fixed the unlock function and it works much better, the update was rolled out in the last day or 2
the new Toyota unlock works well.
It works, I already tried.
iF k518ise failed to identify 8A chip type and reports “This key type is temporarily not supported” error, change the key/chip position until it reads no problem.
Video reference: