Today we are going to clone the E92 ECM module with the OBDSTAR DC706 and also reset the immobilizer. That means you can get your used E92 ECMs. You don’t need to buy a new module anymore.
We are going to be able to use the reset IMMO function on the DC706 to reset the immobilizer settings and then you’ll be able to program this pretty much like a new unit.
Go download here to the ECM list and select ACDelco E92 ECM. Bench mode.
Check out the pinout bench mode.
of course, you connect with the p004 that comes with the DC 706. Turn it on and give it power.
If an ECM has a resistor you can have this to Off when it’s off in the down position as where you can see it.
when they’re up you slide them up they’re in the on position and that turns on the 120 Ohm resistor when you’re working with a device that does not have a built-in resistor
such as this ECM.
That’s very important to keep in mind. Check this out this there’s two different um CAN communication lines on this P004 breakout.
The most common one known is 6 and 14 that’s this middle row right.
Also next to it CAN Low 11 and 3.
I’m using 6 and 14 you pretty much always want to use 6 and 14 you consult the guide on the breakou.
It’s going to tell you if you’re going to use something different because here you could mix it up and use CAN low 11 not paying attention just going by the color.
It’s not just by color you have to look at the number on the actual cable as well because these two colors are the same but they are not the same.
Let’s continue to do cloning.
You always need WiFi or network connection to connect to server.
Also important you have your power button on you can see the voltage here now.
Read ECU information
DC706 gives a breakdown of settings on the original ECU and you can communicate with the ECM as you can see this is our current VIN number, software, hardware etc.
It also gives us the odometer or seed mileage reading.
We are going to read the internal flash.
DC706 automatedly saves your shadow flash password to each ECM you connect to.
That’s one bug advantage over I/O terminal. You can pull the shadow password by clicking read flash. This password is needed if you ever brick the ECM.
If you break it and then you will not be able to connect to that ECM with the shadow flash password, you can open it up then connect it in boot mode and then you will be able to restore that ECM.
That’s the purpose of the shadow flash password.
Let’s read and save internal eeprom.
Disconnect and turn ignition off.
Unplug the donor ECU.
Connect donor ECU follows the same wiring diagram.
Write internal flash ECM
then write internal EEPROM.
At this point you then do a disconnect, then you have 100% cloning of the ECM.
We are going to virginize this ECM so we’re going to do reset immo.
Select Reset IMMO.
Load external data, select eeprom data backed up.
Select type
Save file.
We want to write this file the reset IMMO to the ECM.
Erasing the internal eeprom. Not a virgin eeprom, but a immo reset.
This ECM you can now connect it to a vehilce and program it with cheap vxdiag vcx nano gm scanner and SPS2.
You could also change the mileage in the ECM.
Go to Odometer recalibration.
This will not be mileage on your actual speedometer but what is reflected in the ECM.
It will change it. Select eeprom backed up.
OBDSTAR DC706 shows that is the mileage recorded in the ECM. So at this point we will be able
to. It asked to put it in kms.Put mileage you desired and it will be able to save that file.