How to Install Lonsdor K518 APK Manually?

If your Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S reports error “device fault 20”, you may need to manually install APK.


Download Lonsdor K518 APK and Manual Install it.


How to Install Lonsdor K518 APK Manually?

Step 1: Download the apk file, copy and paste it to the computer.

Step 2: Connect K518 with computer via a USB cable, and you will see the K518 device in the file management system of the computer, as shown in the figure below:

Manual Install Lonsdor K518 Apk 1

Step 3: Copy the apk file into the directory: “This Computer\K518\Internal storage\Pictures”.

Manual Install Lonsdor K518 Apk 2

Step 4: Turn on K518 key programmer, press both setting and return buttons in the figure below for a few seconds at the same time.

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Step 5: After the following interface appears, click the “uninstall apk”  and wait for a few seconds.

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Step 6: Uninstall apk success. Press OK

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Step 7: The interface appears as follows, click the Quit button.

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Step 8: The interface appears as follows, click Repair

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Step 9: Press OK to accept warning message

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Step 10: Select Android desktop

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Step 11: The interface appears as follows, click the button in the red box.

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Step 12: Select File Manager folder

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Step 13: After entering the File Manager, find the directory marked in the red box in the figure below, find the k518.apk file, and click the k518app.apk file.

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Step 14: Click on Settings

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Step 15: The interface appears as follows, find the small box behind the Unknown sources item indicated by the red arrow, and click to mark it as selected.

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Step 16: press OK and click the Security button in the upper left corner to return.

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Step 17: The interface presents the following interface, click k518 apk

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Step 18: Press Next

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Step 19:  Open APK

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Step 20: The apk is installed successfully. apk is loading.

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Lonsdor K518 is ready to use.