Pinout of DB15 Boot Cable 14P600KT02 for Kess v2 and KTag

In this article, we will talk about the pinout of the DB15 cable for working in BOOT, which is included in the KTag ECU Master and KESS V2 Master flashers. In some cases, the question arises of the lack of communication with the ECU when connected to BOOT and the reason for this is the incorrect pinout of the DB15 cable. 


You can buy a high-quality KESS V2 with the necessary refinement and a proven pinout of the DB15 cable for working in BOOT online or make your own cable.  

Please note that externally the DB15 cable from K-Tag ECU Master fully corresponds to the DB15 cable from KESS V2 Master, however, they are not interchangeable, as they have different pinouts. That is, the DB15 cable from KESS V2 Master will not fit the K-Tag ECU Master and vice versa.

To check your BOOT cable, you need to disassemble it and compare the pinout with the following image. Analyzing this image, you can see that the differences relate to the brown and green pins, as well as yellow and purple.

this is the correct pinout for both tools.

Pinout Of DB15 Cable 14P600KT02 For Kess V2 And K Tag 1

beside this, we all know that a CAN BUS system must have 120 ohm on both ends.

so, if I measure between can bus pins ( 7 high – white wire / 15 low – green wire) I have around 110 ohm on both tools.

this tells me that a single wiring scheme is used in both tools and the correct wiring and numbering is this:

Kess Db15 Cable Pinout

Ktag Db15 Cable Pinout 600x403

We also give the color assignment of the DB15 cable pins:
– ORANGE (2 pcs) – VKEY (Key Switched Power (12V);
– RED (2 pcs) – Power VECU;
– BLACK (2 pcs) – GND;
– BLUE – CNF1.

Pinout Of DB15 Cable 14P600KT02 For Kess V2 And K Tag 2

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