Here comes the free BMW ISTA+ ISTA-D Rheingold 4.35.2х – torrent.
No pass. Does require a license key. We don’t provide that key.
If need an SSD, check 12/2023 ISTA-D 4.44 ISTA-P
Does not require a activation license key.
System requirements
- Windows 10 v1903 or higher
- Windows 7, 8 not supported
- Windows user name should not contain spaces
What was changed
- Reject fake FSC is disabled
- Resolution can be changed in the ISTAGUI.exe.config
- Disable CheckSystemRequirements is now possible in ISTAGUI.exe.config
- Enable programming with ENET is now possible in ISTAGUI.exe.config
- “Unknown terminal voltage!” message with ENET was fixed, now ISTA checks really Voltage, but not displays it
- Read FASTA Data from Vehicle was disabled in ISTAGUI.exe.config
Works with: BMW ICOM, ICOM Next, ENET, INPA, j2534 / PassThru, VXDIAG BMW, Godiag BMW
Programs for diagnostics and reprogramming of electronic control units of BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce cars.