2 Ways to Renew Subscription for Autel IM508 IM608 via TCP

Obdii365.com here introduces 2 ways to renew Autel IM508/IM608/IM608 Pro software Subscription via TCP (Total Care Program).


MaxiIM Renew Cards:

1 Year Software Update Subscription TCP for Autel MaxiIM IM608/ IM608 Pro 

1 Year Software Update Subscription TCP for Autel MaxiIM IM508


Way 1:

Renew is done within the machine.

In IM508 or IM608, go to Update
Select Renew
Choose Payment methods as ‘Autel TCP card

Renew Autel Im608 1 Renew Autel Im608 2 Renew Autel Im608 3

Renew Autel Im608 4

Renew Autel Im608 5
Contact obdii365.com for the activation code
Enter the activation code here

Renew Autel Im608 6

Renew Autel Im608 7
Renew is done.
Check the expiration date of the subscription.

Renew Autel Im608 8


Way 2: 

Renew is done on Autel official website.

Step 1: Purchase the TCP card above

Step 2: Log into website with Autel ID and password

Step 3: Go to Redeem to select scanner and input the activation code (contact us to get the activation code after ordered the TCP)

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