How to Read TMS370 IMMO with Autel IM508/IM608?

Cannot find the procedure reading an old immo TMS370 on Autel im508/IM608? Here are useful tips.

What you need:
Autel IM508 +XP400 Pro/IM608 Pro
Autel IMKPA kit (APB120 adapter)

Autel Xp400 TMS370 7

Option 1:

You can read TMS370 with XP400Pro PC software.

Autel Xp400 TMS370 1
Autel XP400 PC Programmer Software Installation Download

Option 2:

Within XP400 Pro, you can see the Tms370 after updating the firmware.

For example, here is Ford Escort 1994 pats external

Autel Xp400 TMS370 4

Autel Xp400 TMS370 3

Solder chip onto apb120 adapter

Autel Xp400 TMS370 2
choose the first Tms370c002 to read
followed the logic based on the pinout

Autel Xp400 TMS370 6

After reading the immobilizer data, you can program 2 keys

Autel Xp400 TMS370 5