Here is the useful guide to configure the online SCN coding (online programming) function in Launch X431 PAD V or PAD VII when SCN coding menu is missing.
Before configuration
After configuration
How to Activate Online Programming Menu on PAD VII/PAD V:
Go to Other Modules – Files – file management (internal storage) – cnlaunch folder -X431PADV (or X431PADVII) – Assets directory and find the file named stdcfg.ini
Open StdCfg.ini file in txt format
Edit the txt, search for OnlineFlash and Flash lines, the default value is set to 0 which means current diagnostic software without online programming function. Change OnlineFlash and Flash value to 1 (OnlineFlash1 and Flash1), then save.
The SCN coding function is enabled.
Overseas SCN coding menu won’t display on Home page, the menu can be found on corresponding diagnosis interfaces.
Video reference: