How to read ISN of EDC16c35 (for example in encrypted CAS3 + when all keys are lost)? An increasing number of locksmiths verified CGDI Yes, Autohex Yes, VVDI No.
Autohex: Yes, but not on bench
Tried ISN extraction via ON-BENCH, didn’t work
Finally succeeded with the following steps:
-> copy content of 96540 eeprom of original-ECU to donor-ecu
-> coded the donor-ecu to the car
-> updated the software of the donor-ecu
-> EWS alignment
CGDI BMW programmer: Yes
Oh I surprised, I can read ISN of EDC16c35 right with CGDI and AVDI but not change.
Open CGDI software -> select “BMW ISN Read Write” -> select ECU type -> click on “Read DME ISN” and then after it succeed, click on “Write DME ISN”.
It’s nice feature is it come with wiring diagram.
Good to know:
CGDI BMW programmer wins in ISN reading /writing for a wide range of DME. And it is available with individual BMW ISN reading authorization.
Xhorse VVD2: Failed
I bought Xhorse VVDI2 new, can‘t read ISN of EDC16c35 . Not on bench not in car.
I think VVDI II cannot read 2 bytes ISN.
Path: open VVDI2 Quick Start -> BMW -> Key Learn -> ECU/CAS ISN -> Type E-Series ISN -EDC16xx.
No matter what you select “Diagram”, “Read ECU information”, “Read ECU ISN”, it will pop up not supported yet or failed.
Hope it helps!