Car model:
F20 Black Panel Cluster 2018 from F20 120I with 35128WT chip in it.
To change VIN and 0 KM for retrofit …
My confusion:
I have VVDI – R27- MDP
Cant erase 35128 WT
What flash programmer can write 0 KM to 35128WT?
Use New eeprom…. The best solution
I just did this… I read the original 35128WT, then write back into emulator and then ERASED INCREMENTAL.
Followed by changing mileage.
Compared files with WinHex and both match length and content except 00 10.
Good to know:
Xhorse VVDI Pro is possible for 35160, impossible for 35128. if you erase the data and rewrite, dash will show red dot.
Note: it can’t change the mileage for a part of 35160 chip, but absolutely impossible for 35128.
When using vvdi pro to read & write 35160DW Chip, read the original eeprom, then rewrite to xhorse 35160wt chip and replace original one. It doesn’t need the dedicated adapter.
Look at Xhorse 35160DW Chip (replace M35160WT Adapter):