BMW AutoHex II Full Package vs. BMW Explorer Full

There are some people talking about BMW AutoHex II and BMW-Explorer

But actually, this is unfair comparison.


Look at more details below:
As we saw in the previous comments people are talking only on the  ISN function or the key programming feature. Although we believe Autohex II is more advanced in these 2 fields, please note that this is just 2 functions while Autohex II is a TOTAL SOLUTION for BMW.


I will sort some examples of what people missed to mention:

– Individual programing/coding (based on FA calculation):

When you do jobs in keys or ISN, problems may happen and I am sure you all faced such cases , you probably will need to reflash and encode the Ecu. Here Autohex can do the job precisely.
Using autohex is one of the safest way of flashing ECU’s in BMW models we have situations even when dealer corrupted ECU’s and autohex fixed it back to original state.
Also This function will let you replace not only used DME,CAS but any other module like KOMBI, NBT, EGS, ESP, Steering,… etc, I don’t think other tools have such features.

– Manual coding (also calculated from FA) and FA manager in autohex

helps to do retrofits  in E and F series and modify ecu configurations.

– ISN tricore boot mode:

Autohex II covers all DMEs/DDEs that are not supported by OBD in F series.

– BDM functions (for CAS read/write EEPROM/FLASH):

this is a new function comes with HexTag (new tool for key programming and BDM functions), we start delivering new orders of Autohex II with Hextag instead of HTag Pro key programmer. This tool will read all versions of CAS (including CAS4+) without removing any part from the CAS.

Speaking on ISN function we don’t think any of the tools in market can EDIT ISN for continental ECU’s like MSV90,87,85 etc. in F series. you can name tools which can read isn from these ECU’s but none of them allows you to edit ISN from these DME’ it shows Autohex covers a good number DME/DDE for ISN reading,writing even through tricore reading method.

Now on yearly subscription we are maintaining a good number of servers for online programming function and all other online functions in autohex, tools which misses online programming feature can avoid this.Through subscription renewal we are also giving extended hardware warranty which covers servicing of tool even after any number of years free of cost and about the technical support we don’t need to say anything customers has clarified it in previous comments.

With this yearly subscription we never charges even a single penny for each and every new features we release like EGS 8HP, FEM/BDC unlock, New DME ISN read/write etc etc, while other tools charge at least 2000$ of each feature.
so we believe all this clarifies what Autohex has when comparing with any of the tool in market.



Good to know: BMW AutoHex II Full Package

BMW Ecu Programming is an easy to use with Autohex II, it performs Flashing the Ecu with latest version,code it,Change VIN, and other functions in one step.

BMW ISN Editor Software in Autohex II lets you read ISN from DME, match it with CAS. This is essential for DME or CAS replacement, Autohex reads ISN from wide range of DME/DDE

Autohex II Ecu coding for BMW is a straight forward function, you can choose between Auto and Manual coding to encode the Ecu you wish

Autohex II BMW Software can do two methods of Ecu coding, auto coding which will be calculated from FA, and a manual coding for Ecu modification

Autohex II BMW Software can write FA into CAS from other Ecus,backup FA in other Ecus, also you can modify the vehicle order safely


Autohex II supports EGS EWS Reset for 6HP in E series and EGS EWS Reset for 8HP in F and G series, only few steps are required

For making keys, reading ISN and changing VIN for CAS which comes with specified part numbers, will not work just through direct reading, CAS Firmware function should be done to make it work

BMW Key programming by Autohex II is done by OBD, No dump is required. including CAS with latest update and all keys lost. it supports all BMW Models as well Mini cooper.

Autohex II is the only tool that can unlock FEM/BDC without soldering, and it is the only tool that regenerates a secret file, and the only tool that can restore FEM back