Free download DRB III Emulator on Mega:
DRB III Emulator is the exact scan tool software application used in Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge dealerships to service non-CAN based vehicles from 1998-2007. The DRB III Emulator software application now runs on your personal computer and interfaces with our custom DRB III+ hardware device to enable all the functions of the original Chrysler DRB III Scan Tool and more. This software package even comes with non-powertrain ECU programming files to enable reflashing everything from BCMs to sliding door modules.
IMPORTANT: You can get DRBIII Emulator, DRBIII Enhanced Emulator setup and U-Scan Chrysler.
But no one holds responsibility of any risk you’ll take when using free DRBIII emulator software.
For security, you’re advised to the tested version sw with your Micropod 2 clone:
DRBIII Emulator Install:
For using DRBIII Emulator software with tools like VCI pod or Micropod II with witech version 14.xx.xx – 17.xx.xx, it depends on your device (clone or orig / old or newer release) and ONLY AFTER that, install DRBIII Emulator.
Watch screenshot.
Here is a step-by-step tutorial of DRBIII emulator on Micropod 2 clone:
DRB III Emulator Review: works on Micropod 2
I managed to make the Enhanced DRB III Emulator work with a micropod 2 clone on V17.04.27 Witech with Windows 7 32 bits all offline mode and no subscription.
First install Witech then install the DRB emulator and then the enhanced one.
find it here : C:\ProgramData\wiTECH\jserver\data\core\stubs
Or use the files provided in first post
Afterwards plug usb in pod then pod in the car turn ignition to on position and at last in the laptop
Open web browser, i used firefox and in the address bar put this and press enter : http://localhost:9876/launchExternalApp?appName=drb_iii_enhanced_emulator&locale=eng_ENG&deviceIp=
It will launch the enhanced emulator.
DRB 3 Emulator Car List:
DRB 3 supports Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge dealerships to service non-CAN based vehicles from 1998-2007 with protocols incl.
ISO 15765 (Network Transport Protocol)
ISO 11898 (High Speed CAN)
ISO 14230 (Keyword2000)
ISO 9141/9141-2 (K-Line)
Chrysler Collision Detection Bus (CCD)