Have tried to flash EDC16 with KESS V2 clone, but i can not see anymore HW and VIN from the EDC16 ECU and the car not starts! Then worked with Fgtech Galletto v54 master, all EDC 16 on BDM without any problem… (BIG thanks to maki1)
Here is what i did with the EDC16U34 from VAG ECU, using Fgtech galletto v54.
The BDM pad here
Now carefully align with the adapter springs drop and secure frame
Connect FgTech galletto correctly
Open FgTech software
Make sure you have 12v+ feeding FG Tech and the intermediate adapter
Switch the intermediate adapter ON
Red LED will illuminate
Click on Select Driver-> BDM/Jtag-> Connect
If everything is ok, the green bar will start loading and finally display ECU info
When finished, turn off the switch and exit program
Same procedure applies to all EDC16
In short,
we need flash the ECU with BDM if we have full flash for this ECU…
open ECU and read all with BDM…
must find full flash hw and sw version for this ECU…
when write chose flash,not not all (eeprom and MCU not need).
Note: This method applies to all Bosch EDC16 and Me9 ECUs