How to Use Autel J2534 with PSA Diagbox?

How to connect Autel MaxiFlash Elite J2534 to Citroen/Peugeot Diagbox?


Here is the clue.

Install Autel Passthru software(MaxiPC Suit), Open PassThru software check that your device is seen and working
Install DiagBox Soft, open diag soft, configure diag soft to work with passthru.

only works with original online version.
You can download original diagbox and get online license here.
What you have to pay at least 37 euros for you to have access to the download!!.
Autel Maxiflash J2534 Diagbox 1 Autel Maxiflash J2534 Diagbox 2 Autel Maxiflash J2534 Diagbox 3
If diagbox didn’t recognize the VCI.
Try this J2534 Drivers for Diagbox
PSA Diagbox Ver.9 J2534 Driver.rar
J2534 is not working really well for Diagbox, the best is original diagbox interface, clone can be used also.
clone works perfect better than any passthru it works like original also online works perfect with clone.