Mercedes SIM4LKE Clone Boot Pinouts to Kess V2 Foxflash etc

What Tool to clone Mercedes Benz Siemens SIM4LKE transmission compressor?


To clone SIM4 LKE, full read required, 29fxxx bootmode or desolder.
You can open them and transfer flash by soldering, immo all other data are in flash.

or reset new used unit by a mercedes tool like cgdi/vvdi mb and so on without opening and adapt it by DAS or Vediamo.

Here is the boot pinouts to clone solution.

Kess V2

solution with kess working without problem.

Protocol:  SIEMENS5WY1 SIMTEC76 29F800

Kess v2 in boot mode & boot pin.

Kess V2 Clone SIM4LKE 1

Kess V2 Clone SIM4LKE 2

(little box is for boot mode.)

This worked like a charm but the diagram shows Pin 51 (Kline) wire is green, its not, Kline is Yellow, tested this and can confrim the yellow wire to be used instead of green.

Red = pin 1
Red = pin 52
Yellow = pin 51
Black = pin 4
Grey wire with crocodile clip = AMD Flash chip, 2nd pin from the top right (shown in attachement) no resistor needed.

Kess V2 Clone SIM4LKE 3

Kess V2 Clone SIM4LKE 4

If kess failed to read this ecu, some also use mpp v18 to full read ecu then write with kess.





SIEMENS SIM 4L KE [C167] – Mercedes Benz [ Gasoline ]


Foxflash Sim4lke Boot Pin 1 Foxflash Sim4lke Boot Pin 2

To read and write use the following driver:
→ Bosch – Flash 29F800


If the ECU doesn’t enter boot mode, proceed as follows:

→ Switch off the ECU and remove the grey wire.
→ Connect directly to ground the boot pin with a needle.
→ Switch on the ECU.
→ Remove the ground.
→ Launch the driver and click the read / write buttons.


*Some versions of ECUs have the flash locked in writing.




1. Fgtech galletto v54 clone can kill this ecu during reading – if there is vin in ecu galletto can wipe it out, and coding also.

2.Yanhua ACDP also has module 18 but can only renew SIM4LKE, need to adapt with DAS or Vediamo.



Read also:

Yanhua Mini ACDP Renew Mercedes DME and ISM No Soldering

How to Renew Benz ME 2.8 ECU by CGDI MB and Adapt with DAS?