There is no 3rd revision KT200 PCB. The picture with no green pcb board was an unprocessed pcb. All devices included green small pcb (decrypt module).
So the rework will be applied to version 2 with the green small PCB on the top of red.
*You are at your own risk.
If device is recognized by pc, can be identified and reset by kt200-update app (reset kt200), but main app does not see it.
The 16MHz resonator can be faulty so should be replaced to Murata 16 MHz (cstls16m).
For problems related to blockage in writing (always modified files not same as ori example edc16cp31)
One of KT200 users have solved them by applying partial rework on PCB .
some hints:
with quartz instead of oscillator – the authorization is only with power plug; at final he used ZTT 16.00X – more stable than original yellows one
Is mandatory to revise 74HCT125D 2xpc ; HEF4011BT 1x pc ; 74HC14D 3x pc; 74HCT245D 2x pc
L9613 seems ok ;
scotty diodes “74” did not changed yet but are not inspiring any quality – to be analyzed;
Still to do: small relay change with Omron 5GV-1 ; identify on pcb MAX485 2x pcs ; L9613 2x pc.
Can controller A82c250 normally should be exchanged with A82c251 for 24v compatibility