How to Update Volvo VOCOM II Mini Firmware via WiFi?

Original ACTIA VOCOM II Mini WiFi dongle covers all the functions of the VOCOM2 88890400, which doesn’t need any cable accessories because it can be connected to the laptop via WIFI perfectly.
Here are the instructions on WiFi setting and firmware upgrade.
Vocom Ii
1). How to Connect VOCOM2 Mini via WiFi?
  1. Power on the vocom2 dongle and the lights will be flashing. Find the WIFI signal Vocom2D_******* from the laptop. Click connect.
  2. Input “v2d+ SN num”, SN number is 7 digits which you can find it from the back of the VOCOM2 dongle. Then click OK. And done.
Vocom Ii Wifi Setting 1
Vocom Ii Wifi Setting 2
2). How to Update Vocom II Mini Firmware via WiFi?

Make sure that the vocom2 dongle is powered up by 24V ECU or truck. Low voltage will affect the firmware update.

  1. After connecting with WiFi, go to All Programs and then click VOCOM II Configurator.
Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 1
2. You will see the windows as below. And Click the setting icon as the pictures bellow.
Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 2
3. Then choose ‘Advanced’- ‘Update Device Firmware’
Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 3

4. You will see the windows as below. And Click the upload icon as in the pictures below. And wait until it is finished.Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 4

Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 5

Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 7

Vocom Ii Wifi Firmware Update 8

It will run the Volvo TECH TOOL automatically when the firmware update is finished.