How to Change BMW ICOM ISTA-D 4.35 ISTA-P 3.70 Language?

06/2022 BMW ICOM ISTA-D 4.35.20 and ISTA-P are multi-language enabled.  2022.06 ista-d language change is different from older versions. If failed to change the language, follow the guide below to fix it.


Software is in Win10 x64bit HDD/SSD format.  It is compatible with BMW ICOM Next, VXDIAG VCX SE BMW and Godiag V600 scanners.


How to Change ISTA-D language?

ISTA-D Language: Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Sweden, Thai, Turkish


Open Language Install folder on the desktop

Open delete all language pack.cmd

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 1
Extract the language pack you desired i.e French. Extract install-French.rar to C:/EC-APPS/ISTA/SQLiteDBs

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 2
Merge BMW Language Fix program on desktop

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 3

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 4

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 5
Open BMWGroup ISTA program on the desktop

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 6
Select Tool tab- Client settings

Select the corresponding language.

Change Bmw Icom Ista D Language 7

The language has been changed to French.

Exit ISTA-D and run again.


Video reference:

How to Change ICOM Next ISTA-P Language?

ISTA-P language change is as usual.

ISTA-P Language:  English, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish


Open BMWGroup ISTA-P on desktop

Click i icon and Reset Settings

Change Bmw Icom Ista P Language 1

Select Automatic search

Change Bmw Icom Ista P Language 2

Select language you desired

Change Bmw Icom Ista P Language 3

MUST tick Expert Mode and save setting

Change Bmw Icom Ista P Language 4

Run ISTA-P software.

Change Bmw Icom Ista P Language 5