Where can I find the OBDSTAR P50 pinout for the Toyota Airbag 89170-52F40? The wiring does not match the airbag module, and the device is out of subscription.
The pinout for this airbag module is updated in P50 airbag reset tool.
Always keep device up to date. Check here: Renew P50 software subscription.
OBDSTAR P50 Toyota Airbag 89170-52F40 SRS pinout
Follow P50 instructions to write flash and erase crash.
Back up flash.
Erase crash.
Write flash.
Weld 10 ohm resistor.
Erase DTC.
After repair, restore the removed and weld resistor to original state.
Remove the resistance at the specified position and weld the 10 ohm resistance after write flash.
It takes longer to write flash on these Renesas MCUs. It is normal.