Here come the OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 user manual, vehicle list, device comparison and some FAQs.
What’s new in the X300 Classic G3?
- New system, new design, larger storage, better camera, BT5
- Comes with P004 and MP001 Programmer
- With built-in CAN FD/DoIP/RFID/Renault Converter
- IMMO, odometer (optional), mileage (optional), airbag reset (optional) and test platform all in one.
What’s the difference between X300 G3 and X300 DP Plus?
OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 (Key Master G3) vs OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus
What function does X300 Classic G3 do?
Programming IMMO(Keys)
Remote Test
R/W Transponder
Unlock ECU
Make Dealer Keys
ECU Advanced
Make Start Keys
Renew Key
Mileage correction (optional license)
Airbag reset (optional license)
ECU Cloning (dc706 function) (optional license)
Test platform function (optional license)
What Vehicle does G3 Support?
Car, HD, E-Car, Motorcycle, Marine (jet-ski) immo
OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 User Manual
OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 coverage (vehicle list)
Keep updating…
Check IMMO, Programmer, RFID, ECU flasher coverage
What’s the difference between X300 Classic G3 and Key Master G3?
They are the same. Green is for abroad resellers and orange one for Chinese resellers.
Is it a key programmer or a cloning tool?
This tool comes as an immobilizer tool. You can add the cloning, airbag, mileage software after purchase. It works as well as the DC706 for cloning and uses the MP001 interface so a bit more convenient. You can turn the device into an all-in-one tool.