Launch X431 Pro V5.0 vs Launch X431 Pro3 V5.0 vs Pro3S+ V5.0

What is the difference among Launch X431 Pro V5.0 (V V5.0), Pro3 V5.0 (V+ V5.0) and Pro3S+ v5.0?

Check a table comparison below:

Item Launch X431 V V5.0 (aka X431 Pro V5.0)

Launch X431 V 5.0 1

Launch X431 V+ V5.0 (aka X431 Pro3 V5.0)

Launch X431 Pro3

Launch X431 Pro3S+ V5.0

Launch X431 Pro3s V5

Screen 8 inch, 1280*800 pixels 10.1 inch, 1280*800 pixels 10.1 inch, 1280*800 pixels
System Android 10.0 Android 10.0 Android 10.0
Processor Quad-core 2.0GHz 2.0Ghz 4-core 2.0Ghz 4-core
Memory 4GB 4GB 4GB
Storage 8GB 64GB 64GB
Battery 7.6V, 6300mAh 7.6V, 6300mAh 7.6V, 6300mAh
Camera Front 5Megapixels

Rear 8 Megapixel

Rear 8 Megapixel Rear 8 Megapixel
WiFi 2.4GHZ/5GHz dual frequency 2.4GHZ/5GHz dual frequency 2.4GHZ/5GHz dual frequency
Port Type A and Type C Type A and Type C Type A and Type C
Connection WiFi, Bluetooth WiFi, Bluetooth WiFi, Bluetooth
CAN FD Yes Yes Yes
DoIP Yes Yes Yes
Full system diagnostic Yes Yes Yes
ECU Coding Yes Yes Yes
AutoVIN Yes Yes Yes
Special functions Yes, 37+ Yes,  37+ Yes,  37+
VAG guided function Yes Yes Yes
FCA Autoauth Yes Yes Yes
Topology Mapping Yes Yes
Truck module with Extra X-431 HD III or Smartlink C2.0 with Extra X-431 HD III or Smartlink C2.0
TSGUN TPMS Module Yes Yes Yes
X-prog3 IMMO Yes Yes Yes
BST-360 Battery Tester Yes Yes Yes
VSP-600 endoscope Yes Yes Yes
Wifi printer Yes Yes Yes
ADAS Yes Yes
Launch X431 EV diagnostic Kit Yes Yes
Advanced IMMO Software Package Yes, requires have X-prog3 Yes, requires have X-prog3
Update 2 years free update 2 years free update 2 years free update
Price $729 $886 $949


In sum:

All V5.0 tools come with DBScar VII Bluetooth connector which supports CAN FD and DoIP protocols.

Pro3 V5.0 is the upgrade version of V+ V4.0. Pro3S+ V5.0 is the upgrade version of Pro3s+ v2.0. Now the new Pro3 V5 and Pro3s+ V5 share the same functions and compatible with same modules. Only apreea difference.

Pro V5.0 (V V5.0) supports 12V cars only. It is not compatible with truck module. It does not support Topology Mapping. It has less supported modules than Pro3/Pro3s+.


Read also:

Launch X431 Pro5 vs Launch X431 Pro3S+