How to Write ISN BMW CAS3++ ISTAP with VVDI BIMTool Pro?

Here’s the tutorial on how to write ISN to BMW CAS3++ istap module using Xhorse VVDI BIMTool pro programmer.


Read the original module information at first, input in the new ISN and VIN, write data into the module via OBD.



Connect vvdi bim tool with vehicle via OBD

Run software->CAS information->Connect

Read CAS3 module information, it is CAS3++ istap year 2007

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 1


Select Change ECU/CAS function, select CAS-CAS3+ (0L15Y, 0M23S)(ISTAP)-OBDII from drop list, then Read module information

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 2

Read CAS3+ Information successfully

Right click and paste the original VIN to “Update VIN” area, press Copy and then Paste

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 3

Then press Update Module, but vvdi bmw tool asks to read ISN or load eeprom get ISN first.

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 4

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 5

Press Read ECU ISN

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 6
if you have a working key, you can get CAS ISN from the working key, if all keys lost, BIMTool will fill new ISN.

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 7

Here all keys lost, press No.

Right click to paste a new VIN to “Update ISN” area, press Copy and then Paste

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 8

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 9

Press Update module again.

security login, take away dealer key from ignition.

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 11

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 12

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 13

Vvdi Bimtool Pro Write Bmw Cas3 Istap Vin 14

Write new VIN successfully.