Yanhua Mini ACDP Clone BMW MSV90 DME on Bench

Another Yanhua Mini ACDP tutorial: How to clone BMW MSV90 DME on bench.

What’s required?

Yanhua Mini Acdp Clone Bmw Msv90 Dme 1


Make connection follow instructions

1: Prepare ACDP, OBP+ICP adapter, interface board and DME
2: Connect interface board correctly to the DME interface
3:Short the CAN resistor on the OBP+ ICP adapter to the “CAN-R Join”
4: Connect ACDP, OBP+ICP adapter, interface board and DME

Yanhua Mini Acdp Clone Bmw Msv90 Dme 2

Yanhua Mini Acdp Clone Bmw Msv90 Dme 3

Step 1: Connect

Run ACDP Mini App

Select BMW->DME Clone-> Siemens/Continental DME-> Fxx->N52 (MSV90)->Connect

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Yanhua Mini Acdp Clone Bmw Msv90 Dme 5

Well connection is built. Detect system information and save DME info.

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Step 2: Read and Write Data
Read and write data->Full backup data

Auto saved backup data

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Step 3: Disconnect

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Step 4:

Then connect another MSV90 DME you need to clone and prepare to write original data to this DME

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Step 5: Connect new DME

Read new target DME system information and save data

Yanhua Mini Acdp Clone Bmw Msv90 Dme 10

Step 6:

Select Read and Write data-> Full write data

Upload original chip data read in Step 2

Wait until write chip data finished

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Step 7:

Don’t forget to perform disconnect procedure as well.

Done. Put new MSV90 back to vehicle.