Tips to Find PSA EDC17C60 PIN Code from EEPROM Dump


Is it possible to read PIN code from PSA EDC17C60 ECU eeprom dump read by Foxflash or CG FC200 etc?

It is a 2018 Peugeot Partner with 1.6HDi EDC17c60. Need to get PIN code to make spare key.

Obdstar Dc706 Read Write Peugeot Edc17c60 1

Here is the clue.

Yes, it is possible.

This is the method.

In PSA EDC17C60 EEPROM is the PIN code located around the offset 3700.
It is a 4 alfa-numeric code that you will find twice in that area (eg. @ 3780 and @3800).


Click to enlarge image.

PSA EDC17C60 Pin Code From Eeprom



OBDSTAR DC706 now will read and write EDC17C60, also read pin and make TPROT OFF directly in the machine.