Question 1:
Is it possible to clone bcm2 with Xhorse vvdi key tools plus or vvdi2?
Need to clone BCM 2
Part number is 4H0907064FT 0560
So i got used BCM2 which is the exact same part number.
Original BCM2 is locked, so i read DATA1 and DATA2 and make service data with VVDI2.
Then i tried to clone on Used BCM2, but BCM is not locked, so i could read Dflash, and Pflash,
in this case, how can i clone BCM2?
BCM2 cannot be cloned with just writing from one to another.
Xhorse VVDI2 or Key Tool Plus will not clone BCM2 module.
You also need to transfer IMMO data.
Upload Flash and Eep/Dflash from both BCM, and contact someone to transfer immo data for you.
Or buy the immo data calculator at Marcelo Korenfeld.
Question 2:
Possible to adapt BCM2 with Xhorse VVDI2?
Vvdi 2 will not calculate all data only keys and cs for bcm2.
If you write the wrong files to bcm2 will damage mcu, if donor bcm2 is ok it will start,you will not pay until car starts.
Read d-flash and p-flash from both and send files to someone to adapt data for you.
If you data from the old unit can be read then it’s easy job. If not you have two options:
– adapt with ODIS online, the easiest one but you need brand new BCM2
– restore immo from all the units and CP from gateway then match new keys, a bit harder but you can do it a lot cheaper.
Online coding odis best solution.
Related reading:
Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Read Audi BCM2 Data without Soldering