How to Update OBDSTAR MT203 CAN Gateway Simulator Software?

OBDSTAR MT203 is a universal Driver Gateway Simulator for Dash, BCM, Audio, Gear Level, AC Panel and Other Systems. It solves much of these problems and more: besides the gateway function, it also has its own vehicle module platform testing functions. The cluster needs a CAN message to light up? MT203 can do it for you on its own. Same thing for dozens of modules, from gear selector on Land Rover to the 48V alternator used on Audi Mild Hybrid, as well as many infotainment modules.


Many users don’t know how to update software for MT203. Check instructions below:


How to Update OBDSTAR MT203 software?

Go to official website, in Service tab, download One-click upgrade tool.
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First login need to register the device. Run the one-click upgrade tool. Press Register.

Update Obdstar Mt203 1

Complete user information to register device.

Serial number, register password, email, user name and dealer code are required to register MT203.

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S/N: you can find S/N in machine
Password:  Turn on machine, you can find password in Settings.
Dealer code: 0086A002

How to check hardware info. (S/N, register password) in MT203?

Connect the MT203 device with 12V power supply to turn on device.

Check OBDSTAR MT203 Info 2

Go to Hardware Info. You will see hardware version, software version, serial number and register password information.

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Check OBDSTAR MT203 Info 4

Check OBDSTAR MT203 Info 5

Complete all information to register MT203.

Then connect OBDSTAR MT203 with laptop via USB cable.

In upgrade tool, select device serial number, format external sd card, select device name and latest version, then Update.

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Check update status in device. Wait until update is finished.

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