Good news! Autel MaxiIM IM508/IM608 Gen2 devices (also OTOFIX IM1/IM2) now has an integrated mqb2 calculator. There is now a MQB sync Data calculator built into to immo software. You don’t need to obtain MQB NEC35XX locked sync data from 3rd party if program all keys lost.
You will need XP400 Pro (XP1 Pro for OTOFIX) to calculate sync data.
Menu path:
MQB platform->VDO NEC 35XX->Calculate sync data
We need CS from each cluster, ecu, gearbox (if automatic ), kessy (if keyless )
Instrument panel CS code 16 bytes
ECM 16 bytes CS code
Tcu 16 bytes CS code
ESCL (Electonic Steering Column Lock) ELV 16 bytes CS (if present)
Then you will get sync data for free.
Here is an example on calculating sync data for manual and non-keyless model.
OTOFIX IM1/IM2 will also calculate synchronized data menu under MQB function.
Menu in OTOFIX
All credit to Autotronica Del sur. We’re excited to invite you to join their upcoming online course, [MQB2 IMMO+ KM functions], where you’ll gain valuable insights and practical skills on MQB2.
Date: 22nd and 23rd January with MQB2 and more ➕️ solutions.
Autel now will decode VAG MQB locked ELV data.
To program VAG MQB NEC35XX or RH850/V850 key, you will need APB131 adapter.
Launch X431 also has built-in sync data calculator, see:
How to Calculate MQB Sync Data with Launch X431 Built-in Calculator?
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