Autel DS900TS vs DS808TS vs MP808TS vs MS906 Pro TS

What is the difference among Autel full TPMS diagnostic tool MaxiDiag DS900 TS, DS808TS, MP808TS and MS906 Pro TS?


Check table comparisons below:

Table 1: Autel DS900 vs DS900 TS vs MS906TS vs MS906 Pro TS

Ds900 Ts Vs Ms906 Pro Ts

Table 2: Autel DS900 TS vs DS808TS vs MP808TS vs MS906TS

Ds900 Ts Vs Md808 Ts Vs Mp808 Ts

DS900-TS is the new model with Android 11 operating system. It has large storage than DS808TS, MP808TS and MS906TS.
DS900-TS adds CAN FD, DoIP, pre& post scan, Scan VIN/License, WiFi printing functions.
DS900-TS adds more special functions than other TPMS tools.