Yanhua Mini ACDP Not Found License A50F Solution

Here comes the problem:

One of our customers got the module 17 BMW E series 6HP EGS virgin A50F license activated for the Yanhua Mini ACDP, when resetting 6HP EGS ISN, it gave errors no program found and file  download failed (image attached). iT was unable to reset EGS.

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For this needed to clear cache for the file resources and that got that working.

Go to Settings-> Clear cache

Yanhua Mini Acdp Clear Cache

User feedback:

It was working after clearing cache.

To virgin 6HP EGS ISN had to bench the CAS and rewrite the ICP back up files i created before starting the process.

And re start the CAS downgrade again that was solved.

Then i got this error “READ ISN ERROR”,  for that had to close all acdp app and reconnect to car and cycle ignition a couple of times and then was able to get the ISN.

All was done through OBD2 except the ICP CAS read files and rewrite.

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