Free Download Xentry ENET-XDOS Patch for Godiag ENET Cable

Godiag GT109 ENET cable is not only compatible with BMW E-sys but also Xentry for Mercedes Benz DoIP models.


Here is a solution to use XDOS with a Godiag ENET cable to connect with the new DoIP models.
You will need a patch for XDOS.
Xentry ENET XDOS Patch
How to use the patch?
Copy and paste this patch to your desktop
Connect Godiag ENET cable with laptop
Run Xentry software directly and then diagnose doip models with Enet cable for XDOS.
How To Use Godiag GT109 ENET Cable With Xentry 2
Here is another solution using Xentry ENET Cars patch. If use this patch, you need to activated ENET cable to use Xentry.
How To Use Godiag GT109 ENET Cable With Xentry 3