Question: Is it possible to clone PSA Citroen Peugeot VALEO VD46.1 and VD56.1 ECU with Alientech KESS3? Is OBD safe for PSA Group ECU Valeo Vd46.1 or VD56.1?
You can read and clone VD46.1 with no problem.
Copy the eeprom and car will start. If second ecu is not the same car you need to copy the mcu data too. If ecu is from %100 same car you don’t need this step. Also if don’t have the original eeprom data you can replace the pin code 2 times and the car will start but you need to setup ecu configuration. We have read a boot backup and wrote into a donor and it started fine.
A better suggestion is to do a full backup and wrote on the donor. Don’t use the clone feature it bricked on the first ecu.
VD56 you can only read and operate on the file, no clone. Clone is not possible. immo off is possible with emulator or rocketdump.
We tested it safe via OBD, it’s ok, but you can’t clone, you can only edit files.
You can now remap vehicles produced from 2018 to 2020 with the 1.2 Pure-Tech turbo petrol engine. This now allows you to reprogram the ECU via OBD. Remember that, only for the first time, you must unlock and read the ECU using BOOT mode with the ECU open.
Works great.
For example